Medical research

A bacterial toxin turning cells into swiss cheese

Although the innate immune system is the front line of defense against microbial infections, the complex mechanisms of innate immunity are incompletely understood. In a new study, researchers from Kanazawa University synthesized ...


Antibodies gather and form a circle for defensive attack

Antibodies play a crucial role in our immune system by linking antigen recognition with complement activation for attacking foreign cells. Using high-speed atomic force microscopy, collaborative groups, including researchers ...


It's Fab! A hidden touch of antibody

In our immune system, antibodies recognize viruses, bacteria and even cancer cells through their Fab arms, initiating recruitment of leucocytes for the destruction of these invaders. The recruitment is mediated by receptors ...


First fMRI images of individual neurons

A research team from CEA NeuroSpin and the Institut de neurosciences cognitives et intégratives d'Aquitaine (CNRS/Université de Bordeaux) demonstrated the possibility to obtain functional magnetic resonance images (fMRI) ...

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