Inflammatory disorders

Many athletes with asthma may be using the wrong treatment

Many athletes with asthma may not be using the best treatment for their condition and could be putting their long term health at risk, according to a roundup by journalist Sophie Arie published by the BMJ today.


Study busts sports-drink myths

(Medical Xpress) -- With the Olympics starting July 27, reaching the top of the podium is on the minds of thousands of athletes worldwide. But a new study published in the British Medical Journal shows that those amateur ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

U.S. experts say Olympics unprepared for COVID-19, call for WHO help

Experts from the University of Minnesota, the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, and the University of California, San Francisco say planners for the July Olympic Games in Tokyo and the subsequent Paralympic Games have ...


What's that bruise on Michael Phelps' shoulder?

Beyond his gold standard accomplishments in the pool, Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps has garnered widespread attention in recent days for the dark circular markings on his shoulders and back.

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