
OCT scans in optometry could boost glaucoma detection

Optometry clinics that routinely used optical coherence tomography (OCT) scanners as part of their regular eye tests were 34% more likely to refer patients for a specialist glaucoma assessment, according to new research that ...


A farsighted approach to tackle nearsightedness

Modern living may be contributing to an epidemic of nearsighted vision and related blindness. By 2050, it is estimated that half the world's population will suffer from low vision due to myopia, a condition where the eye ...


Study discovers new subset of retinal neurons impacting vision

Investigators have discovered a new subtype of interneurons in the retina that allows the eye to see and identify objects better in both the light and in the dark, according to a Northwestern Medicine study published in Nature ...


Researchers find that youthful proteins help nerves regrow

Damaged nerves of the brain, eye, and spinal cord cannot grow back. But specific gene therapies might be able to change this, leading to treatments for paralysis and other forms of nerve damage, UConn Health researchers report ...


Older people may have glaucoma without realizing it

It can be hard to know that you have glaucoma. In a study carried out at the University of Gothenburg, almost 5% of 70-year-olds were found to have glaucoma, and half of those diagnosed were unaware that they had the disease.

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