Psychology & Psychiatry

The soothing effects of strangers

Is pain treatment more helpful if it is provided by a friend, or is the help of a stranger better? A study conducted by researchers from the Universities of Wuerzburg, Amsterdam and Zurich investigated this question and found ...


Pain relief at a lower opioid dose

A team of researchers at Johns Hopkins have found that activating nerve cell receptors along two chemical pathways—one that has previously been linked to how the brain senses "itch"—may improve pain relief when combined ...


Non-psychotropic cannabinoids show promise for pain relief

Some cancers love bone. They thrive in its nutrient-rich environment while gnawing away at the very substrate that sustains them, all the while releasing inflammatory substances that cause pain—pain so severe that opioids ...


Scientists discover powerful potential pain reliever

A team of scientists led by chemists Stephen Martin and James Sahn at The University of Texas at Austin have discovered what they say is a powerful pain reliever that acts on a previously unknown pain pathway. The synthetic ...


Ultrasound-triggered liposomes for on-demand, local anesthesia

Researchers at Boston Children's Hospital have found a new way to non-invasively relieve pain at local sites in the body; such systems could one day improve pain management by replacing addictive opioids and short-lasting ...


Researchers identify source of opioids' side effects

A commercially available drug may help drastically reduce two side effects of opioid painkillers—a growing tolerance and a paradoxical increased sensitivity to pain—without affecting the drugs' ability to reduce pain, ...


Placebo sweet spot for pain relief found in brain

Scientists have identified for the first time the region in the brain responsible for the "placebo effect" in pain relief, when a fake treatment actually results in substantial reduction of pain, according to new research ...

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