Psychology & Psychiatry

The surprising role of childhood trauma in athletic success

The story of Canadian speed skater and cyclist Clara Hughes, the first ever Olympian to win multiple medals in both the summer and winter games, is a story of triumph over adversity. Before she was hard into endurance sports, ...


PTSD raises odds of heart attack and stroke in women

Women with elevated symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder consistent with the clinical threshold for the disorder had 60 percent higher rates of having a heart attack or stroke compared with women who never experienced ...


Program improves health of orphans of Rwandan genocide

Rwandan children who lived through the horrors of the 1994 genocide may suffer from psychological trauma that makes them more vulnerable to health problems, such as HIV infection. But a medical school study shows that with ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Moving tiles as an unintrusive way to handle flashbacks

(Medical Xpress)—In a highly uncertain environment of floods, train, plane and car accidents, earthquakes, terrorist bombings and community displacement, one thing is certain: psychological trauma can result and does not ...

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