Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Alterations caused by ALS detected in the retina

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), characterised by harm to brain neurons and to the spinal cord, also affects the tissue of the retina, according to a study headed up by Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM).


Nudging cells to repair damaged retinas

In an approach could someday be used to help repair the retinas in patients who have lost vision due to such diseases as macular degeneration, glaucoma and diabetes, scientists at the University of Washington School of Medicine ...


Protein tenascin-C important in retinal blood flow disorders

Many eye diseases are associated with a restricted blood supply, known as ischaemia, which can lead to blindness. The role of the protein tenascin-C, an extracellular matrix component, in retinal ischaemia was investigated ...


Diverse neural signals are key to rich visual information

Visual sensation begins at the retina, which is the neural tissue located at the back of eyeballs. It has been known that the retina detects light using photoreceptors which are light-sensitive nerve cells.In case of retinal ...

Medical research

A rift in the retina may help repair the optic nerve

In experiments in mouse tissues and human cells, Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers say they have found that removing a membrane that lines the back of the eye may improve the success rate for regrowing nerve cells damaged ...

Medical research

Scientists create functional human retinas in a dish

Scientists have generated accurate replications of human retinas in culture that can be used to pinpoint the specific types of cells affected by genetic eye diseases. The culmination of a six-year effort, this achievement ...

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