
How cannabis causes 'cognitive chaos' in the brain

Cannabis use is associated with disturbances in concentration and memory. New research by neuroscientists at the University of Bristol, published in the Journal of Neuroscience, has found that brain activity becomes uncoordinated ...


Your brain's got rhythm

Not everyone is Fred Astaire or Michael Jackson, but even those of us who seem to have two left feet have got rhythm—in our brains. From breathing to walking to chewing, our days are filled with repetitive actions that ...


Dancing their falls away

Foxtrot, salsa, rumba! Twice weekly ballroom dancing classes for senior citizens could bring back the balance and strength needed to prevent falls in elderly Australians, according to University of Sydney researchers.


System that uses light stimulation to modulate brain waves

Researchers have developed a system which uses light stimulation to modulate brain waves. This opens up new avenues to explore for possible treatment of conditions such as epilepsy, Parkinson's and migraine.


'Inner GPS' study may aid diagnosis of brain diseases

A new Dartmouth study sheds light on brain cells in our "inner GPS," which may improve understanding of memory loss and wandering behavior in people with Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative diseases.

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