
'Viagra for women' being trialed

Reaching orgasm remains elusive for nearly 30 per cent of women, but a new ad hoc treatment currently under trial, may drastically reduce that number.


Religions play positive role in African AIDS crisis

While the Western press often targets religious groups for their roles in handling the African AIDS crisis, these groups tend to play positive—and critical—roles in fighting the epidemic, according to sociologists.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Magazine articles jeopardize and empower young women's sexuality

Los Angeles, CA (September 4, 2012) While the effects of sexualized media on young women has long been debated, a new study finds that women who read sex-related magazine articles from popular women's magazines like Cosmopolitan ...


How to amp up the quality of your sex life

Quality over quantity is an approach that can lead to a better sex life. Studies show that feeling satisfied with the sexual aspect of their relationship is more important to many people than how often they have sex.


Australian lodges fork in penis for sexual pleasure

Shocked doctors had to perform emergency surgery on a man in the Australian capital Canberra after he lodged a 10 centimetre (four-inch) steel fork inside his penis for sexual pleasure.

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