
Is diabetes keeping you up at night?

Hormone changes are known to alter insulin sensitivity and glucose metabolism, as well as interfere with women's sleep patterns. But little was known about the association between diabetes and sleep disturbances during the ...


Sleep disruption for breastfed babies is temporary

While breastfed babies initially awaken more during the night for feedings, their sleep patterns -- falling asleep, staying asleep and total sleep time -- stabilize in later infancy and become comparable to non-breastfed ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Music listening near bedtime disruptive to sleep, study finds

Most people listen to music throughout their day and often near bedtime to wind down. But can that actually cause your sleep to suffer? When sleep researcher Michael Scullin, Ph.D., associate professor of psychology and neuroscience ...

Sleep disorders

Diagnosing sleep apnea

Dear Mayo Clinic: Based on my snoring and from everything I've read, I think I may have sleep apnea. But I don't want to spend a night at the hospital for sleep testing. Is there an easier way to know if I have sleep apnea? ...

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