
Mice, motor learning, and making decisions

Early understandings of the brain viewed it as a black box that takes sensory input and generates a motor response, with the in-between functioning of the brain as a mystery.


Danger changes how rat brain stores information

The male rat brain changes how it stores information depending on whether the environment in which it learns is safe or dangerous, according to new research published in eNeuro.


Researchers learn more about maximizing brain use

Neuroscientists from Higher School of Economics and Charité University Clinic in Berlin have come up with a new multivariate method for predicting behavioural response to a stimulus using information about the phase of preceding ...


Waking up the visual system

The ways that neurons in the brain respond to a given stimulus depends on whether an organism is asleep, drowsy, awake, paying careful attention or ignoring the stimulus. However, while the properties of neural circuits in ...


A game of ping-pong for the eyes

Enjoying the landscape when traveling by train – while this activity sounds like pure relaxation, in reality, it requires maximum performance from our eyes' motor system. To prevent blurring of the passing image, our eyes ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Visual perception: Vertical disparity corrects stereo correspondence

It is well known that humans perceive 3D structures of scenes using the horizontal difference of images observed by our eyes— referred to as horizontal (binocular) disparity. It is also known that vertical disparity produces ...

Medical research

Putting the brakes on pain

Neuropathic pain—pain that results from a malfunction in the nervous system—is a daily reality for millions of Americans. Unlike normal pain, it doesn't go away after the stimulus that provoked it ends, and it also behaves ...


Past brain activation revealed in scans

(Medical Xpress)—What if experts could dig into the brain, like archaeologists, and uncover the history of past experiences? This ability might reveal what makes each of us a unique individual, and it could enable the objective ...

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