
Does diet outweigh genetics when it comes to Alzheimer's risk?

Genes play a role in whether someone gets Alzheimer's, but new research from Northeastern University psychology and bioengineering professor Craig Ferris found that diet may have a greater impact on whether someone gets this ...


Next-gen Alzheimer's drugs extend independent living by months

In the past two years, the Food and Drug Administration has approved two novel Alzheimer's therapies, based on data from clinical trials showing that both drugs slowed the progression of the disease. But while the approvals ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Rheumatoid arthritis tied to cognitive decline in dementia

A new Swedish study has, for the first time, shown a link between rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and cognitive decline in dementia patients. The study, published in the journal Neurology, emphasizes the importance of careful monitoring ...

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