Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Uncovering dementia's environmental triggers

A new study from the University of Georgia College of Public Health focuses on the powerful role our surroundings play in shaping dementia risk. Led by Assistant Professor of Health Policy and Management Suhang Song, this ...

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

Consumer devices can be used to assess brain health, study shows

Technology is changing how physicians think about assessing patients, and in turn, how patients expect to be able to measure their own health. Apps designed for smartphones and wearable devices can provide unique insights ...


Proteins in eye's nerve cells linked to Alzheimer's disease

An abnormal form of the tau protein found to accumulate in the brains of Alzheimer's disease patients also accumulates in the eyes of patients with the condition, according to new findings from Cedars-Sinai investigators.


Growing evidence supports 40Hz gamma stimulation for brain health

A decade after scientists at The Picower Institute for Learning and Memory at MIT first began testing whether sensory stimulation of the brain's 40Hz "gamma" frequency rhythms could treat Alzheimer's disease in mice, a growing ...

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