Archive: 15/09/2017
Indian Health Service sets standards for patient wait times
The Indian Health Service has set standards for patient wait times more than a year after being criticized by a government watchdog for doing a poor job tracking them.
Sep 15, 2017
Suicide among veterans highest in western US, rural areas (Update)
Suicide among military veterans is especially high in the western U.S. and rural areas, according to new government data that show wide state-by-state disparities and suggest social isolation, gun ownership and access to ...
Sep 15, 2017
Talking to older adults about health prognosis may be helpful
Prognosis is the term for the most likely outcome of a medical condition. When it comes to health care, talking about your prognosis can be difficult for you, your family/friends, and even your healthcare providers. However, ...
Sep 15, 2017