Archive: 15/12/2015
Herpes zoster is linked to increased rates of both stroke and myocardial infarction
Herpes zoster (also called "shingles") is linked to a transient increased risk of stroke and myocardial infarction (MI) in the months following initial zoster diagnosis, according to a study published by Caroline Minassian ...
Dec 15, 2015
Diversity in medical research is a long way off, study shows
Despite Congressional mandates aimed at diversifying clinical research, little has changed in the last 30 years in both the numbers of studies that include minorities and the diversity of scientists being funded, according ...
Dec 15, 2015
Do not resuscitate (DNR) orders impact hospital rankings
Healthcare consumers, policy and insurance organizations rely heavily on hospital ranking reports, but how accurate are they? Do differences in patient preferences for life-sustaining treatments that exist between different ...
Dec 15, 2015
Elevated testosterone levels may raise risk of uterine fibroids
Women who have high levels of both testosterone and estrogen in midlife may face a greater risk of developing benign tumors on the uterus called uterine fibroids than women with low levels of the hormones, according to a ...
Dec 15, 2015
Shingles increases short-term risk of stroke in older adults
More than 95% of the world's adult population is infected with the virus that causes chickenpox. Up to one third of these individuals will develop shingles (herpes zoster) in their lifetime. A new U.S. study has found that ...
Dec 15, 2015
CTE is confirmed as a unique disease that can be definitively diagnosed
For the first time, CTE has been confirmed as a unique disease that can be definitively diagnosed by neuropathological examination of brain tissue. A consensus panel of expert neuropathologists concluded that CTE has a pathognomonic ...
Dec 15, 2015