Archive: 15/12/2015
British watchdog probes Nurofen adverts
Britain's advertising watchdog said Tuesday it was investigating a TV advert for Nurofen after some versions of the painkiller were removed from shelves in Australia over misleading claims.
Dec 15, 2015
Stem cell transplantation does not provide significant improvement for Crohn's disease
Among adults with difficult to treat Crohn disease not amenable to surgery, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, compared with conventional therapy, did not result in significant improvement in sustained disease remission ...
Dec 15, 2015
Type of electromagnetic field therapy improves survival for patients with brain tumor
Early research indicates that the use of tumor-treating fields, a type of electromagnetic field therapy, along with chemotherapy in patients with a brain tumor who had completed standard chemoradiation resulted in prolonged ...
Dec 15, 2015