Archive: 17/03/2014
Can testosterone shots prevent diabetes in men?
University of Sydney researchers are seeking male participants for a novel trial assessing whether regular testosterone shots can prevent type 2 diabetes in men.
Mar 17, 2014
Taking immune cells for a test drive
You're on a crowded subway car and someone nearby sneezes. Influenza viruses shed by your fellow rider are expelled in droplets of saliva that land on you and the person next to you. Two days later, you begin suffering from ...
Mar 17, 2014
Cognitive scientists able to isolate implicit from explicit learning processes
(Medical Xpress)—Cognitive scientists may have produced the strongest evidence yet that humans have separate and distinct cognitive systems with which they can categorize, classify, and conceptualize their worlds.
Mar 17, 2014
New hope for early detection of stomach cancer
(Medical Xpress)—University of Adelaide research has provided new hope for the early detection of stomach cancer with the identification of four new biomarkers in the blood of human cancer patients.
Mar 17, 2014