Archive: 17/06/2014
A new twist on neuro disease: Discovery could aid people with dystonia, Parkinson's and more
Twist and hold your neck to the left. Now down, and over to the right, until it hurts. Now imagine your neck – or arms or legs – randomly doing that on their own, without you controlling it.
Jun 17, 2014
Progress made on a 'bionic pancreas' for diabetics
Scientists have made big progress on a "bionic pancreas" to free some people with diabetes from the daily ordeal of managing their disease. A wearable, experimental device passed a real-world test, constantly monitoring blood ...
Jun 17, 2014
Research toward world's first vaccine for heart disease advanced
Research toward the world's first vaccine for heart disease continues to advance at the La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology, with researchers demonstrating significant arterial plaque reduction in concept testing ...
Jun 17, 2014
Carbon monoxide poisons 71 children at Quebec daycare
Seventy-one children at a Quebec daycare center were rushed to hospital Tuesday with carbon monoxide poisoning, authorities in Canada said.
Jun 17, 2014
Anonymous peer feedback through social networking helped residents improve their skills
Surgical residents who received anonymous feedback from their peers through a social networking site on their robotic surgery skills improved more than those who did not receive any peer feedback on their procedures, UCLA ...
Jun 17, 2014
TGen, Scottsdale Healthcare begin study of new drug for patients with solid tumors
The Virginia G. Piper Cancer Center at Scottsdale Healthcare and the Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen) are studying the safety and effectiveness of a new drug, AG-120, for treatment of patients with solid tumors, ...
Jun 17, 2014
First major review provides evidence of sharp increase in deaths from painkillers in US and Canada
The number of deaths involving commonly prescribed painkillers is higher than the number of deaths by overdose from heroin and cocaine combined, according to researchers at McGill University. In a first-of-its-kind review ...
Jun 17, 2014
Study compares survival for treatments of uncommon eye cancer
In patients with advanced uveal melanoma, treatment with the agent selumetinib, compared with chemotherapy, resulted in an improved cancer progression-free survival time and tumor response rate, but no improvement in overall ...
Jun 17, 2014