Archive: 17/10/2016
Cardiologists say new calcium supplement study is no reason to panic
A study recently published in the Journal of the American Heart Association is prompting headlines like "Calcium supplements might hurt your heart."
Oct 17, 2016
How character traits influence cheating in organized sports
What drives professional sportspeople to break the rules of their sport in the hope that they won't get caught – and in the hope that it will bring glory to them and their team?
Oct 17, 2016
New drug combination shows promise in tackling leukaemia treatment resistance
Early testing of a new drug combination that attacks the most common form of leukaemia on multiple fronts has shown great promise in targeting cancer cells.
Oct 17, 2016
Towards increasingly personalised fracture risk assessment
In people over 50 years of age, fractures are so common that for example one in three women will suffer a wrist, ankle or hip fracture during their life. Low-energy fractures caused by bone weakening are one manifestation ...
Oct 17, 2016