Archive: 21/06/2017
Physical activity counselling affects parents and gets children to move
Parents can affect their children's physical activity. A unique finding of a recent study conducted at the University of Jyväskylä in 2011–2013 was that parents who have previously provided little support for their children's ...
Jun 21, 2017
Research identifies how master regulator, bone-building protein can be used for therapy
The WNT1 ligand has previously been identified in bone disease, but its role in bone homeostasis, its cellular source and targets in bone have only just recently been identified. The research, led by Dr. Brendan Lee at Baylor ...
Jun 21, 2017
Combining mental and physical health improves outcomes for primary care patients
It is often thought that primary care clinics are only able to help with physical health challenges, but a new study shows that this may not be the case. In the study, published today in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, ...
Jun 21, 2017