Archive: 23/10/2015
Tool helps patients, providers decide if lung cancer screening is warranted
A 65-year-old male smoker with a history of 2 packs a day for 45 years with no personal or family history of cancer wonders: Should I be screened for lung cancer?
Oct 23, 2015
Children in foster care three times more likely to have ADHD diagnosis
Researchers already knew that attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) was the most common behavioral health diagnosis among children enrolled in Medicaid. A new study to be presented at the American Academy of Pediatrics ...
Oct 23, 2015
More than one in five anaphylactic reactions occur in students with no known allergies
More than 1 in 10 schools in the United States responding to a survey reported at least one severe allergic reaction during the 2013-14 school year, and 22 percent of those events occurred in individuals with no previously ...
Oct 23, 2015