Archive: 27/09/2012
Stivarga approved for advanced colorectal cancer
(HealthDay)—Stivarga (regorafenib) has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat colorectal cancer that has spread despite prior treatment.
Sep 27, 2012
Dollars for donors: Many support financial incentives to encourage organ donation
Most Canadians view financial incentives for deceased kidney donation to be acceptable, according to a study appearing in an upcoming issue of the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology (CJASN). Nearly half ...
Sep 27, 2012
Vienna to use public defibrillators to fight heart attacks
Vienna will introduce 60 public defibrillators around the city over the coming months, in a bid to save lives by promoting quicker first aid in the event of a heart attack, authorities said Thursday.
Sep 27, 2012
Hearing brains are 'deaf' to disappearance of sounds, study reveals
Our brains are better at hearing new and approaching sounds than detecting when a sound disappears, according to a study published today funded by the Wellcome Trust. The findings could explain why parents often fail to notice ...
Sep 27, 2012
All Yosemite workers to be offered hantavirus test
(AP)—Yosemite National Park officials plan to offer testing to all employees in the park to determine whether they've been infected with a deadly mouse-borne virus.
Sep 27, 2012