Final gov't birth control rule for faith groups
(AP)—The Obama administration is making its final offer on a compromise for faith-based nonprofits that object to covering birth control in their employee health plans.
Jun 28, 2013
(AP)—The Obama administration is making its final offer on a compromise for faith-based nonprofits that object to covering birth control in their employee health plans.
Jun 28, 2013
A team of researchers in Poland who treated three of six paraplegics with spinal cord injury using transplanted olfactory ensheathing cells found that the three treated patients showed neurological improvement and no adverse ...
Jun 28, 2013
(Medical Xpress)—A cardiac hormone signaling receptor abundantly expressed both in inflamed tissues and cancers appears to recruit stem cells that form the blood vessels needed to feed tumor growth, reports a new study ...
Jun 28, 2013
Scientists at an Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence have discovered a new mechanism regulating the immune response that can leave a person susceptible to autoimmune diseases.
Jun 28, 2013
A team of researchers from Rush University, Yale University, the University of Colorado and the St. Kitts Biomedical Research Foundation transplanted human embryonic stem cells into primate laboratory animals modeled with ...
Jun 28, 2013
(AP)—California's top prosecutor is investigating an agreement between an Orange County hospital and Catholic operators that banned elective abortions.
Jun 28, 2013
(Medical Xpress)—A single systemic dose of special immune cells prevented rejection for almost four months in a preclinical animal model of kidney transplantation, according to experts at the University of Pittsburgh School ...
Jun 28, 2013