Archive: 07/01/2019
One in four women at sexual health clinics reports coercion over their reproductive lives
As many as one in four women attending sexual and reproductive healthcare services say they are not allowed to take control of their own reproductive lives, reveals a review of the available evidence, published today in BMJ ...
Jan 7, 2019
Long-term breastfeeding sheds light on whether an infant becomes right- or left-handed: study
Bottle feeding infants is associated with left-handedness, according to a new study from the University of Washington. The study found that the prevalence of left-handedness is lower among breastfed infants as compared to ...
Jan 7, 2019
Team finds high-risk drinking common in South Africa
Adults in South Africa consume more alcohol than adults in most other countries; previous research has shown this comes with high rates of fetal alcohol syndrome and is a driver of the country's leading causes of death: sexually ...
Jan 7, 2019