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Biomedical technology news


Gut bacteria engineered to act as tumor GPS for immunotherapies

Immunotherapeutic approaches have substantially improved the treatment of patients with advanced malignancies. However, most advanced and metastatic malignancies remain incurable and therefore represent a major unmet need.


DNA molecules with 'invisibility cloak' sequences can selectively target diseased cells in motor neuron disease

Researchers at the Francis Crick Institute and the UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology have developed DNA molecules which contain "invisibility cloak" sequences, preventing healthy cells from reading the messages they ...


Stem cell transplants repair macular holes in primate study

Human stem cell transplants successfully repaired macular holes in a monkey model, researchers report October 3 in the journal Stem Cell Reports. After transplantation, the macular holes were closed by continuous filling ...


A new injectable shows promise to prevent and treat hypoglycemia

People with diabetes take insulin to lower high blood sugar. However, if glucose levels plunge too low—from taking too much insulin or not eating enough sugar—people can experience hypoglycemia, which can lead to dizziness, ...


Study hints at ways to generate new neurons in old brains

Most neurons in the human brain last a lifetime, and for good reason. Intricate, long-term information is preserved in the complex structural relationships between their synapses. To lose the neurons would be to lose that ...

Radiology & Imaging

Exploring how melanin influences clinical oxygen measurements

Obtaining accurate clinical measurements is essential for diagnosing and treating a wide range of health conditions. Regrettably, the impact of skin type and pigmentation is not equally considered in the design and calibration ...

Oncology & Cancer

Model system provides insight into the growth of pancreatic tumors

Researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have developed a novel model system that can be used to precisely track the growth steps and three-dimensional arrangement of pancreatic cancer cells. It also provides ...

Sports medicine & Kinesiology

Shoe sole equipped with silk sensors ensures optimal cycling

Cycling is a great way to stay in shape. You get outdoors with plenty of fresh air, and it is an easy and gentle way to improve your fitness and circulation and strengthen your heart and muscles.

Alzheimer's disease & dementia

How the smell of food can enable 'time travel'

Older people exposed to food flavors from their youth were able to "time travel" back to the past with an enhanced memory of the event.

Gerontology & Geriatrics

Optimized pandemic testing strategies for retirement homes

The Where2Test team's third web application provides retirement and nursing homes with a scientific basis for devising a testing strategy in times of pandemic. Taking various factors into account, the app suggests daily testing ...


Brain organoids replicate key events in human brain development

Organoids are carefully grown collections of cells in a dish, designed to mimic organ structures and composition better than conventional cell cultures and give researchers a unique view into how organs such as the brain ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

How protected am I from COVID-19? A new test could tell you at home

Say you're going to a wedding or a concert or are about to leave the country. You've been vaccinated against COVID-19, even boosted, but you have an underlying medical condition. You might have a young child who's received ...