Oncology & Cancer

Do mobile phones give you brain cancer?

It is a question any mobile phone user would be keen to have answered – and science does offer some clues. In 2011, for example, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified mobile phone radiation as ...

Oncology & Cancer

Scientists identify link between brain development and cancer

Researchers at The University of Queensland and the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute have identified a protein which plays a key role in brain cancer, opening the door to potential new treatments.


Brain-dead woman gives birth in Poland

A brain-dead Polish woman was kept alive for 55 days so that she could give birth, a hospital official said Tuesday, adding that the premature baby showed no signs of serious complications.

Oncology & Cancer

Mapping the routes to drug resistance in cancer

When a freeway shuts down because of an accident or construction, drivers find another road to take them where they're going. Likewise, when a targeted therapy blocks a pathway that enables tumors to grow, the cells usually ...

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