Oncology & Cancer

New treatment option for subtype of aggressive lymphoma

An international team of researchers, including Lukas Kenner from the Clinical Department of Pathology at MedUni Vienna, has discovered a specific combination of mutations and new gene fusions, which are heavily implicated ...

Oncology & Cancer

Persistent swollen neck glands could indicate cancer

Referring patients with unexplained swollen neck glands for specialist investigations could help to avoid some of the thousands of deaths each year from lymphoma, a type of cancer.

Oncology & Cancer

New cancer fears in France over breast implants (Update)

France's national cancer institute said on Tuesday there was a "clearly established link" between a rare form of cancer and a certain type of breast implant, as the health minister sought to allay fears.

Oncology & Cancer

Scientists make breakthrough in understanding of rare blood cancer

A breakthrough in understanding of a rare form of blood cancer could lead to significant improvements in treatment for patients. Scientists from the University of Southampton announced their findings at a prestigious scientific ...

Oncology & Cancer

Study offers clues to how breast implants may cause lymphoma

(Medical Xpress)—There have been 71 known cases worldwide of a type of blood cancer called anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) that the researchers suggest were associated with the patient's breast implants. This means ...

Oncology & Cancer

Predicting aggressive lymphoma

Each year, more than one thousand Norwegians develop lymphoma. A statistical genetic analysis can detect when the disease will be aggressive. Thereby, treatment can be initiated in time.

Oncology & Cancer

Beleodaq approved for aggressive non-hodgkin lymphoma

(HealthDay)—Beleodaq (belinostat) has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat peripheral T-Cell lymphoma (PTCL), a rare and aggressive form of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (cancer of the lymph nodes).

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