
Mixed report for global health progress

The world has made progress in curbing infant mortality, stunted growth and other poverty-driven problems, while obesity, alcohol abuse and partner violence has risen, a major review of UN health goals said Wednesday.

Overweight & Obesity

New study links prepregnancy obesity to infant growth

Infants born to women with a prepregnancy body mass index (BMI) in the obese range (>40) were 8% larger during the first two years of life than were those born to women with a BMI in the healthy range (18.5-24.9), based on ...

Overweight & Obesity

Chinese city migrant children buck obesity trend

Researchers at the University of Birmingham have found that the children of migrants to Chinese cities have lower rates of obesity than youngsters in more affluent established urban families.


Children's digestive health across Europe in crisis

A report investigating the current state of digestive health in children has revealed alarming trends in disease incidence and inequalities in the provision of digestive healthcare services for children across Europe.

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