Overweight & Obesity

Cautious optimism as childhood obesity rates in Ireland plateau

Childhood overweight and obesity rates have plateaued in primary school aged children in the Republic of Ireland, reveals research published today in the open access journal BMC Public Health. The study found that although ...


Food craving is stronger, but controllable, for kids

Children show stronger food craving than adolescents and adults, but they are also able to use a cognitive strategy that reduces craving, according to new research published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association ...


Thyroid, kidney cancers up in kids but still rare

Children's kidney and thyroid cancers have increased in recent years, and though the diseases are rare, U.S. experts wonder if the rising rates could be related to obesity.


For kids with both asthma and obesity, which came first?

For years, doctors have known that there is a link between childhood obesity and asthma, but have found it difficult to determine which condition tends to come first, or whether one causes the other.

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