
Q&A: What is cardiac arrest?

I've heard about several people who have experienced sudden cardiac arrest. What is cardiac arrest? And how is it different from a heart attack? What do you do for someone who has this condition?


Q&A: Successful conception and delivery with a heart issue

I am 32 and have lived with a congenital heart issue since childhood. I am newly married and would like to have children, but I understand that a pregnancy might be high-risk for me. How does pregnancy affect the heart? And ...


Congenital heart disease and pregnancy

Congenital heart disease is the most commonly diagnosed disorder in newborns worldwide. While babies born with this condition are living longer and healthier lives, some may go undiagnosed until adulthood.

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A congenital heart defect (CHD) is a defect in the structure of the heart and great vessels which is present at birth. Many types of heart defects exist, most of which either obstruct blood flow in the heart or vessels near it, or cause blood to flow through the heart in an abnormal pattern. Other defects, such as long QT syndrome, affect the heart's rhythm. Heart defects are among the most common birth defects and are the leading cause of birth defect-related deaths. Approximately 9 people in 1000 are born with a congenital heart defect. Many defects don't need treatment, but some complex congenital heart defects require medication or surgery.

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