Medical research

A rose-tinted cure:The myth of colored overlays and dyslexia

It is claimed that the use of colored filters and lenses can alleviate visual distortions for people with dyslexia. These overlays are simple translucent pieces of plastic which add color to text. But I believe they should ...


Dyslexia could affect pass rates in UK GP clinical skills exam

Trainee doctors who have dyslexia, and who declare this prior to taking the clinical skills component of the licensing exam for general practice, are less likely to pass than their counterparts, new research has shown.


Diving deeper into developmental dyslexia

Men with dyslexia have altered structural connections between the thalamus and auditory cortex on the left side of the brain, new research published in JNeurosci reveals. The study extends similar observations of the dyslexic ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Noise and motion links to dyslexia pave way for early diagnosis

Most children are able to learn language almost effortlessly. But for those with communication disorders such as dyslexia, mastering their native tongue can be a challenge. Researchers are exploring how links with noise, ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Bilinguals use inter-language transfer to deal with dyslexia

Dyslexic children learning both a language that is pronounced as written, like Spanish, and a second language in which the same letter can have several sounds, such as English, are less affected by this alteration when reading ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why US policies for dyslexia should be scrapped

Many of the current US Federal and State dyslexia laws should be scrapped as they ignore scientific evidence and privilege some poor readers at the expense of huge numbers of others, according to a leading expert in reading ...

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