
Imaging approach to stop epilepsy seizures

An advanced imaging approach developed at the University of Virginia School of Medicine could let surgeons determine the best target in the brain to stop epilepsy seizures, new research suggests.


Cost-effectiveness of treatments in neurological diseases

Professor Dyfrig Hughes and colleagues at the Center for Health Economics and Medicines Evaluation, School of Health Sciences, have recently published the results of three clinical trials of interventions in epilepsy and ...


Fast brainwave oscillations identify and localize epileptic brain

Professor Bin He's team at Carnegie Mellon University, in collaboration with the Mayo Clinic, has discovered that fast oscillations in scalp-recorded electroencephalography can pinpoint brain tissues responsible for epileptic ...


Seizure frequency not up in pregnancy for women with epilepsy

Among women with epilepsy, the percentage who have a higher incidence of seizures during pregnancy than in the postpartum period is similar to that seen during corresponding epochs in women who are not pregnant, according ...

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