Arthritis & Rheumatism

Understanding opioids in fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is common, affecting around 2% of people in the general population. The 2017 EULAR recommendations state that tramadol—a weak opioid—may be considered for pain management in fibromyalgia, but advise against ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Q&A: How is fibromyalgia diagnosed?

Dear Mayo Clinic: Is there a specific test to definitively diagnose fibromyalgia? If not, how do doctors confidently diagnose this disorder?

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Are most patients with fibromyalgia misdiagnosed?

Recent studies have suggested that most people who have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia by physicians may not actually have the condition. A new Arthritis Care & Research study found that overall agreement between clinicians' ...


Fibromyalgia and the role of brain connectivity in pain inhibition

The cause of fibromyalgia, a chronic pain syndrome is not known. However, the results of a new study that compares brain activity in individuals with and without fibromyalgia indicate that decreased connectivity between pain-related ...

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