
Can a contact lens help treat glaucoma?

While an undergraduate in biochemistry at McMaster, Michelle Fernandes worked as a researcher for a biotech company. Now a master's candidate in chemical engineering, she credits that co-op work experience with sparking her ...


Glucosamine supplements tied to risk of eye condition

(HealthDay)—Glucosamine supplements that millions of Americans take to help treat hip and knee osteoarthritis may have an unexpected side effect: They may increase risk for developing glaucoma, a small new study of older ...


Glaucoma drug can cause droopy eyelids

Prostaglandin analogues (PGAs), drugs which lower intraocular pressure, are often the first line of treatment for people with glaucoma, but their use is not without risks. PGAs have long been associated with blurred vision, ...


Early screenings key to diagnosing glaucoma

New research is emphasizing the importance of regular screenings for glaucoma, a disease that deteriorates the optic nerve over time and is a leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide. The onset of glaucoma is associated ...


Court: California cities can ban pot shops

(AP)—The California Supreme Court ruled Monday that cities and counties can ban medical marijuana dispensaries, a ruling likely to further diminish the state's once-extravagant network of storefront pot shops and fuel efforts ...


Hallucinations of musical notation

Professor of neurology, physician, and author Oliver Sacks M.D. has outlined case studies of hallucinations of musical notation, and commented on the neural basis of such hallucinations, in a new paper for the neurology journal ...


New view of origins of eye diseases

Using new technology and new approaches, researchers at Lund University in Sweden hope to be able to explain why people suffer vision loss in eye diseases such as retinal detachment and glaucoma.

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