
Discovery provides glimmer of hope to prevent blindness

Macquarie University researchers have discovered that a naturally occurring protein in the body protects the eye from the common eye disease glaucoma, and which is particularly sensitive to oxidation through environmental ...


Researchers report new paths to glaucoma treatment

Researchers at the Center for Vascular Research, within the Institute for Basic Science (IBS), have identified a new mechanism involved in the development and progression of glaucoma, and found a potential therapeutic option ...


Stent surgery could benefit select glaucoma patients

(HealthDay)—Stent surgery using a 6-mm-long stent made of gelatin material seems promising for patients with glaucoma, according to a report from the University of Michigan.


Education can boost knowledge, cut anxiety in glaucoma

(HealthDay)—For newly diagnosed glaucoma patients, a patient-centered glaucoma-related educational intervention can improve knowledge and reduce anxiety, according to a study published online July 9 in Clinical & Experimental ...

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