Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Oral antibiotics may raise risk of kidney stones

Pediatric researchers have found that children and adults treated with some oral antibiotics have a significantly higher risk of developing kidney stones. This is the first time that these medicines have been linked to this ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Kidney stones on the rise, study finds

Kidney stones are a painful health condition, often requiring multiple procedures at great discomfort to the patient. Growing evidence suggests that the incidence of kidney stones is increasing steadily, especially in women. ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Overeating during the holidays is bad for your kidneys

Given all of the delicious foods that are served during holiday meals, many people find it hard to resist eating more than they usually would. But what you may not think about is what all of that extra food is doing to your ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Keep well hydrated to help keep kidney stones away

Each year, more than a million people in the U.S. will seek treatment for mild to severe pain caused by a kidney stone. Overall, one in 11 individuals in the U.S. will be affected by kidney stones at some time in their life. ...


How the alkaline diet may actually benefit you

While most celebrity or fad diets have not been scientifically proven to be effective, the alkaline diet can still positively impact your body, especially if you have kidney problems, according to a Baylor College of Medicine ...

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