Psychology & Psychiatry

Smartphone app uses AI to detect depression from facial cues

Dartmouth researchers report they have developed the first smartphone application that uses artificial intelligence paired with facial-image processing software to reliably detect the onset of depression before the user even ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Neural mechanisms may serve as therapeutic target for depression

A recent study published in Molecular Psychiatry has identified previously unknown alterations in neural connectivity that promote psychomotor disturbance—a slowing or reduction in movement—in individuals with major depressive ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Blood testing identifies biomarkers of suicidal thoughts

Major depressive disorder affects 16.1 million adults in the United States and costs $210 billion annually. While the primary symptoms of depression are psychological, scientists and doctors have come to understand that depression ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Simple blood test can help diagnose bipolar disorder

Researchers have developed a new way of improving diagnosis of bipolar disorder that uses a simple blood test to identify biomarkers associated with the condition.

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