
Errant gene turns cells into mobile cancer factories

A single stem cell has the potential to generate an animal made of millions of different types of cells. Some cancers contain stem-like but abnormal cells that can act like mini factories to rapidly churn out not only more ...

Oncology & Cancer

ASCO guidelines: biomarker use in metastatic breast CA treatment

(HealthDay)—Biomarkers can be used to guide decisions on systemic therapy for women with metastatic breast cancer, according to the American Society of Clinical Oncology Clinical Practice Guideline published online July ...

Oncology & Cancer

New treatments may prolong health after breast cancer

Promising advances in research could mean longer, healthier lives for women with breast cancer, the number one cancer in women worldwide, experts said Saturday at a major US cancer conference.

Oncology & Cancer

Inhibiting cancer cells with substance obtained from marine sponge

For more than three decades, no new drug for the treatment of breast cancer has been presented. A group of researchers analyzing a marine sponge called Halichondrin okadai obtained a mesylate eribulin substance that had already ...

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers to present progression-free survival results

Results from the final analysis of progression-free survival, response rate, and safety for the randomized, phase III Breast Cancer Trials of Oral Everolimus-1 (BOLERO-1) are to be presented here at the 2014 San Antonio Breast ...

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