Oncology & Cancer

Neuroblastoma: Improved treatment prospects in future

Neuroblastoma is a rare form of malignant tumor, primarily affecting children under the age of six. A research team led by molecular pathologist Lukas Kenner from MedUni Vienna's Department of Pathology has now discovered, ...

Oncology & Cancer

More children survive neuroblastoma

Both the survival rate and the incidence of neuroblastoma have increased in recent years, as was shown by a study from the Princess Máxima Center. The improved chance of survival and the increase in the number of patients ...

Oncology & Cancer

Researchers find new way to target childhood cancer

An Australian-led international research effort has broken fresh ground in the race to find more effective treatments for the childhood cancer neuroblastoma, by uncovering a new and as-yet unexploited target in cancer cells ...

Medical research

Meet BORIS: Possible new culprit in drug-resistant cancer

Like a Russian bot corrupting U.S. elections, or a new prime minister wreaking havoc in the U.K., a protein named BORIS is showing itself to be a malevolent player in some childhood cancers. New research fingers BORIS as ...

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