Psychology & Psychiatry

The role of childhood abuse in chronic depression

An innovative study published by Eva-Lotta Brakemeier and her Group shed new light on the role of childhood abuse in chronic depression and borderline personality disorder. Numerous studies report that childhood maltreatment ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Predicting antisocial behaviour from the neurobiology of empathy

Empathy encourages prosocial behavior, while an empathy deficit has been linked to psychological disorders. By further examining the mechanisms involved, new research hopes to offer risk analysis and better treatment for ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Do western societies promote narcissism?

Universitätsmedizin Berlin report that people who grew up in the former western states of Germany have higher levels of narcissism than those whose socialization took place in the former eastern states. Between 1949 and ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

A new form of psychotherapy for suicidal patients

In the current issue of Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics a study discloses the long term effects of a particular form of psychotherapy in suicidal patients. Abandonment psychotherapy is a 3-month, twice-a-week, manualized ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

For boys at risk of psychopathy, laughter isn't so contagious

For most people, laughter is highly contagious. It's nearly impossible to hear or see someone laughing and not feel the urge to join in. But researchers reporting in Current Biology on September 28 have new evidence to show ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Suicide attempts on the rise in US, finds study

New data confirm that suicide attempts among U.S. adults are on the rise, with a disproportional effect on younger, socioeconomically disadvantaged adults with a history of mental disorders. The study, by researchers at Columbia ...

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