Psychology & Psychiatry

Brain changes found in self-injuring teen girls

The brains of teenage girls who engage in serious forms of self-harm, including cutting, show features similar to those seen in adults with borderline personality disorder, a severe and hard-to-treat mental illness, a new ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Schadenfreude sheds light on darker side of humanity

Schadenfreude, the sense of pleasure people derive from the misfortune of others, is a familiar feeling to many—perhaps especially during these times of pervasive social media.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Five things you didn't know about psychopaths

In the hit BBC TV show, Killing Eve, Villanelle, a psychopathic assassin, tells Eve, a security service operative, "You should never call a psychopath a psychopath. It upsets them." She then pouts her lip in an imitation ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

We are predisposed to forgive, new research suggests

When assessing the moral character of others, people cling to good impressions but readily adjust their opinions about those who have behaved badly, according to new research.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Mood and personality disorders are often misconceived

With each new version of the widely-used manual of mental disorders, the number of mental health conditions increases. The latest version (DSM-5) lists around 300 disorders. To complicate things, many share common features, ...

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