
Recalling good memories together

Recalling positive memories can help you feel better about yourself. Charlotte van Schie is aiming to use this fact to help people with a borderline personality disorder become stronger. She has written about her research ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

WHO mental health guidelines could better capture 'lived experience'

Mental health patients want mental health diagnostic descriptions to better reflect what it feels like to live with their conditions in the World Health Organisation's global manual of diagnoses—according to a new Lancet ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Higher risk for mental disorders seen in patients with psoriasis

(HealthDay)—Patients with psoriasis have an increased risk for mental disorders, with time to onset starting within two to three months after diagnosis, according to two research letters published online May 8 in JAMA Dermatology.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Risk factors identified for infanticide in the 21st century

In a study on the subject of infanticide recently published in the Archives of Women's Mental Health, Claudia Klier from MedUni Vienna's Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, working with Finnish experts from ...


Mental illness not to blame for gun violence study finds

Counter to a lot of public opinion, having a mental illness does not necessarily make a person more likely to commit gun violence. According to a new study, a better indicator of gun violence was access to firearms.

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