Psychology & Psychiatry

Online CBT effective for social anxiety disorder in young people

Social anxiety disorder can cause considerable suffering in children and adolescents and, for many with the disorder, access to effective treatment is limited. Researchers at Center for Psychiatry Research at Karolinska Institutet ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

A fifth of adults in Sweden report dental anxiety

In Sweden, approximately one in five adults suffers from dental anxiety or phobia. The number has decreased over time, but still an important part of the population have major problems, according to a recent doctoral thesis ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Fear of the flush: Social anxiety and public restrooms

Most people experience anxiety at times. It's a normal emotion that can help us detect danger. But there's a fine line between our evolutionary instincts and a debilitating condition.

Psychology & Psychiatry

Why phobias are natural—and how to overcome them

Don't feel bad about having a phobia about public speaking, getting a needle or being near a dog—it's not you, it's your brain, says a University of Alberta psychologist.


When drug treatment for social anxiety is insufficient

A Japanese study group clarified that cognitive therapy maintained its effects more than a year after the end of therapy for patients with a social anxiety disorder (SAD) even for those who did not respond to antidepressant ...

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