Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

What happens if we run out of antibiotics?

Widespread use of antibiotics in humans and animals has created growing resistance to treatments. What will happen if nothing is done? We asked expert Piotr Garstecki.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Sensory cells taste cerebrospinal fluid to fight brain infections

Sensory neurons pick up information from our senses and relay it to the rest of the nervous system. But this is not their only mission. In a new study published in the journal Current Biology, Claire Wyart at the Paris Brain ...


Time to update adult vaccinations for a new year

Personal health is often among the top New Year's resolutions each January. Beyond diet and exercise, Dr. John Presutti, a Mayo Clinic family medicine physician, says the new year is a good calendar reminder to update adult ...

Health informatics

Machine learning diagnoses pneumonia by listening to coughs

Pneumonia is one of the world's leading causes of death and affects over a million people a year in the United States. The disease disproportionately impacts children, older adults, and hospitalized patients. To give them ...

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