
Varicose veins tied to higher odds for blood clots

(HealthDay)—Those tangled blue varicose veins that can pop up on your legs as you age may be more than unsightly: New research suggests they might quintuple your risk of dangerous blood clots.

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

Treatment of varicose veins

"Varicose veins" is a term commonly used to describe visible leg veins. But true varicose veins are dilated and very prominent. Small varicose veins may not be a problem, but as varicose veins worsen they become distended ...


Scientists identify mutations in venous valve disease

A team of scientists has discovered that mutations in the genes FOXC2 and GJC2 are associated with defects in venous valves, flaps within veins that help maintain proper blood flow.

Medical research

Ultrasound technology for varicose treatment

Researchers from the the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University (SPbPU) and collaborators from industry have developed new technology for varicose vein obliteration treatment by the means of focused, high-intensity ultrasound.


FDA OKs new varicose vein treatment

(HealthDay)—A new system to permanently treat varicose veins in the legs by sealing the affected veins with adhesive was approved Friday by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.


MK-7: the big gun of vitamins

Oil fortified with the vitamin MK-7 could help combat brittle bones and heart disease in humans and animals.


New research finds hernia surgery offers value for money

New research suggesting that elective hernia surgery offers value-for-money and improved quality of life for patients has been published by the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine. The new analysis is based on patients' ...

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