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Dentistry news

Oncology & Cancer

Bacteria involved in gum disease linked to increased risk of head and neck cancer

More than a dozen bacterial species among the hundreds that live in people's mouths have been linked to a collective 50% increased chance of developing head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC), a new study shows. Some ...


Yes, you do need to clean your tongue. Here's how and why

Has your doctor asked you to stick out your tongue and say "aaah"? While the GP assesses your throat, they're also checking out your tongue, which can reveal a lot about your health.


Engineers' invention improves dental safety

UIC Distinguished Professor Alexander Yarin and a team of researchers at UIC invented a product that helped the dental industry and made it safer.


Altered blood markers detected in individuals with periodontitis

Individuals with periodontitis have altered concentrations of various proteins in their blood, according to a new study from Umeå University, Sweden. These findings pave the way for research into biomarkers for periodontitis ...


Oil pulling for oral health: To swish or not to swish?

After scrolling social media, you might be tempted to ditch your typical oral care regimen in favor of melted coconut oil, or other similar oils, for a practice known as oil pulling. A method of traditional Ayurvedic medicine ...

Oncology & Cancer

Oral cancer detection by dentists is significantly on the rise

After examining data gathered over an 11-year period in a first-of-its-kind provincial study, University of Toronto clinician-scientist Marco Magalhaes has one vital message: dentists in Ontario are detecting more cases of ...


Home remedies: The bad breath battle

There are many causes of bad breath, also called halitosis. Your mouth may be the source. The breakdown of food particles and other debris by bacteria in and around your teeth can cause a foul odor. If your mouth becomes ...

Medical research

Dental enamel can't regenerate, right? Think again

Dental enamel is tricky stuff. Even though it's the body's hardest material, if it wears away from cavities, acidic food or drinks or overbrushing, it doesn't regenerate.


Making the case for fluoridated water

A recent University of Alaska study that found an increase in childhood dental decay in two cities that halted the use of fluoridated water demonstrates why this public health measure is needed, says Dean Cecile A. Feldman ...