Obstetrics & gynaecology

Maternal gum disease may be connected to preterm birth

Women with preterm births may be more likely to have gum disease compared to those with full-term births, according to research presented at EuroPerio10, the world's leading congress in periodontology and implant dentistry ...


Tongue and lip piercings may damage teeth and gums

Oral piercings should be removed to save teeth and gums, urged dental professionals displaying an e-poster at EuroPerio10, the world's leading congress in periodontology and implant dentistry organized by the European Federation ...


Why antibiotics are overused in dentistry

Broad-spectrum antibiotics are overused in dentistry because many patients mistakenly believe they have a penicillin allergy. But such allergies are rare and should be investigated by a doctor, says Bodil Lund, chair of the ...


Eating problems are common among older home care clients

Eating problems are common among older home care clients, a new study from the University of Eastern Finland shows. Nearly 30% of the 250 older care clients studied reported poor appetite, 20% had problems with chewing, 14% ...


Diabetes may weaken teeth and promote tooth decay

People with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes are prone to tooth decay, and a new study from Rutgers may explain why: Reduced strength and durability of enamel and dentin, the hard substance under enamel that gives structure ...

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