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Health informatics news

Oncology & Cancer

Higher incarceration rates linked to increased cancer mortality rates

Higher incarceration rates are associated with increased county- and state-level cancer mortality rates, according to a study published online Sept. 17 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.

Oncology & Cancer

Considering race in colon cancer prediction algorithms reduces disparities, researchers find

Taking race into account when developing tools to predict a patient's risk of colorectal cancer leads to more accurate predictions when compared with race-blind algorithms, researchers find.

Medical economics

Study shows State Innovation Models improve health data

First-of-its-kind research by Tarang Parekh, assistant professor of epidemiology, reviewed the State Innovation Models (SIM), a payment system introduced by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in 2013, which provides ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Intimate partner violence: Preserving patient privacy can save lives

Historically, South Carolina has had some of the highest rates of intimate partner violence, or IPV, in the U.S. IPV encompasses any physical or sexual violence, stalking and psychological aggression by a current or previous ...

Health informatics

Digital health, precision medicine: Review urges integration

A new systematic review of pharmacogenomics clinical decision support systems used in clinical practice in OMICS: A Journal of Integrative Biology suggests that these e-health tools can help accelerate pharmacogenomics, precision/personalized ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Using machine learning to uncover predictors of well-being

Irrespective of their personal, professional and social circumstances, different individuals can experience varying levels of life satisfaction, fulfillment and happiness. This general measure of life satisfaction, broadly ...

Health informatics

Ehrapy: A new open-source tool for analyzing complex health data

Led by Helmholtz Munich, scientists have developed an accessible software solution specifically designed for the analysis of complex medical health data. The open-source software called "ehrapy" enables researchers to structure ...