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Health informatics news

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

Automatic speech recognition learns to understand people with Parkinson's disease—by listening to them

As Mark Hasegawa-Johnson combed through data from his latest project, he was pleasantly surprised to uncover a recipe for Eggs Florentine. Sifting through hundreds of hours of recorded speech will unearth a treasure or two, ...


Polygenic score database updates increase diversity and usability of genetic data

Important new updates to the largest open database for polygenic scores, the Polygenic Score (PGS) Catalog, could help to generate more equitable disease risk predictions for a diverse range of ethnic backgrounds.

Oncology & Cancer

Saving time with AI-generated treatment plans for breast cancer

Drawing in the organs of individual breast cancer patients and then creating precise radiation plans appears to be faster by using artificial intelligence (AI) models. That way, it remains just as reliable and accurate. It ...

Health informatics

AI may enhance patient safety, say researchers

Generative artificial intelligence (genAI) uses hundreds of millions, sometimes billions, of data points to train itself to produce realistic and innovative outputs that can mimic human-created content. Its applications include ...

Oncology & Cancer

AI could predict breast cancer risk via 'zombie cells'

Women worldwide could see better treatment with new AI technology, which enables better detection of damaged cells and more precisely predicts the risk of getting breast cancer, shows new research from the University of Copenhagen.

Health informatics

Q&A: Should we label AI systems like we do prescription drugs?

AI systems are increasingly being deployed in safety-critical health care situations. Yet these models sometimes hallucinate incorrect information, make biased predictions, or fail for unexpected reasons, which could have ...

Psychology & Psychiatry

Social media posts may provide early warning of PTSD problems

Scientists have analyzed millions of tweets to identify COVID-19 survivors living with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)—demonstrating the effectiveness of using social media data as a tool for early screening and intervention.

Parkinson's & Movement disorders

Wearable sensors, machine learning system could pinpoint Parkinson's

Parkinson's comes on slowly, and diagnosing the often-devastating movement disorder, particularly in its early stages, usually entails having patients perform a variety of mobility tasks, observing their walking and movement ...

Health informatics

New software guards the public from airborne radiation

A software application developed by Los Alamos National Laboratory makes accurate, actionable information available after an unexpected airborne radiological release to help first responders, policymakers and health professionals ...

Medical economics

Q&A: Donor funding falls short for Africa's digital health

As African countries struggle with overburdened health care systems, limited resources, and an increasing prevalence of chronic diseases such as cancer, digital health innovations are essential.


Machine learning sheds light on gene transcription

A team led by researchers at UT Southwestern Medical Center has developed deep learning models to identify a simple set of rules that govern the activity of promoters—regions of DNA that initiate the process by which genes ...

Diseases, Conditions, Syndromes

AI aids analysis of lifetime environmental exposures

The idea that biology is not destiny is hardly new. Studies in twins have shown that even among identical pairs—those sharing 100% of their DNA—the same disease genes do not turn into full-blown illness in both individuals.

Health informatics

Study traces an infectious language epidemic

"Sticks and stones may break my bones," the old adage goes. "But words will never hurt me." Tell that to Eugenia Rho, assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science, and she will show you extensive data that prove ...


Human brain map contains never-before-seen details of structure

A cubic millimeter of brain tissue may not sound like much. But considering that tiny square contains 57,000 cells, 230 millimeters of blood vessels, and 150 million synapses, all amounting to 1,400 terabytes of data, Harvard ...

Health informatics

AI advancements make the leap into 3D pathology possible

Human tissue is intricate, complex and, of course, three dimensional. But the thin slices of tissue that pathologists most often use to diagnose disease are two dimensional, offering only a limited glimpse at the tissue's ...


What makes a public health campaign successful?

The highest performing countries across public health outcomes share many drivers that contribute to their success. That's the conclusion of a study published May 9 in the open-access journal PLOS Global Public Health by ...

Health informatics

New tool streamlines nurse work environment research

New research from Penn Nursing's Center for Health Outcomes and Policy Research (CHOPR)—recently published in the journal Research in Nursing & Health—has successfully validated a new, streamlined version of the Practice ...


AI may help physicians detect abnormal heart rhythms earlier

An artificial intelligence program developed by investigators in the Smidt Heart Institute and their Cedars-Sinai colleagues can detect a type of abnormal heart rhythm that can go unnoticed during medical appointments, according ...

Medical economics

Online patient portal usage increasing, study shows

More people are using online patient portals to view their information while in the emergency room, but access is challenging for members of medically underserved communities and the elderly, UT Southwestern Medical Center ...