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HIV & AIDS news


Gilead licenses HIV-prevention drug to generic drugmakers

US pharmaceutical giant Gilead said Wednesday it had signed licensing deals with six generic drugmakers to produce and sell its HIV prevention medicine in lower-income countries.


'Undetectable' HIV patients could hold key to treatments

A rare group of HIV-positive people who maintain undetectable levels of the virus in their blood without medication could hold the key to new therapies for others living with the disease, says a leading genome expert.


S.Africa's HIV research power couple says fight goes on

Through decades of pioneering work on fighting the spread of infectious diseases such as HIV, South African public health power couple Quarraisha and Salim Abdool Karim are credited with saving thousands of lives.


How HIV/AIDS got its name

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention first used the term "AIDS" on Sept. 24, 1982, more than a year after the first cases appeared in medical records. Those early years of the crisis were marked by a great deal ...


Childhood HIV vaccination strategy shows promise in study

Research at Weill Cornell Medicine suggests that childhood immunization against HIV could one day provide protection before the risk of contracting this potentially fatal infection dramatically increases in adolescence.


Ugandan women's autonomy key to safer sex, researchers say

Ugandan women's ability to negotiate the conditions and timing of sex, such as refusing sex and asking for condom use with their partners, is key to preventing several reproductive health outcomes, say experts from the Brown ...


HIV 'cure' in infancy, caution experts

AIDS experts cautioned Monday against hype of a cure after doctors in the United States suppressed HIV in a child born with the virus by administering a potent drug cocktail shortly after birth.


Researchers make HIV wake up call

Researchers have moved a step closer to finding a cure for HIV by successfully luring the 'sleeping' virus out of hiding in infected cells.


AIDS journal publishes findings of two important studies

The results of two important studies have been published in the March issue of AIDS, the official journal of the International AIDS Society. One study notes that screening for HIV should be performed more frequently—up ...


Researchers describe first 'functional HIV cure' in an infant

A team of researchers from Johns Hopkins Children's Center, the University of Mississippi Medical Center and the University of Massachusetts Medical School describe the first case of a so-called "functional cure" in an HIV-infected ...


Give needles, condoms to inmates to curb HIV, experts urge

Giving inmates drug substitution treatment, needles and condoms are key ways to help curb addiction and HIV infection in European jails, experts say, calling on authorities to change their approach to prison health care.


Sexually transmitted HIV: Key mechanisms elucidated in men

Having suggested in 2011 that the urethra is a novel entry site for HIV, a team from the Institut Cochin (CNRS/Inserm/Université Paris Descartes, with the support of Anrs), has now confirmed this hypothesis and identified ...


Malawi gets 1,000 new HIV infections a week

AIDS-ravaged Malawi, where over a tenth of the population is HIV positive, records on average 1,000 new cases weekly, a top government official said Saturday.


New IOM report highlights PEPFAR's successes

The President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) has saved and improved millions of lives worldwide and offered proof that HIV/AIDS services can be effectively delivered on a large scale even in countries with high ...


Research stresses the importance of 'test and treat' HIV strategy

A new study involving a McMaster researcher calls for an aggressive "test and treat" approach to HIV-positive individuals in Africa. The study measures the importance of different routes of transmission in 18 African countries ...


Bringing a new perspective to infectious disease

Studying infectious diseases has long been primarily the domain of biologists. However, as part of the Ragon Institute, MIT engineers and physical scientists are joining immunologists and physicians in the battle against ...


Study finds incentive price for reducing HIV risk in Mexico

Studies have found that conditional cash transfer programs, in which governments pay citizens if they consistently practice societally beneficial behaviors, have improved pediatric health care and education in Mexico, increased ...


Early therapy for HIV vital

New insight into the optimal timing of therapy for HIV infection could give patients a better chance of responding to potential cure strategies of the future.