Advanced Functional Materials


Coating implants with 'artificial bone' to prevent inflammation

Bone disease is becoming increasingly prevalent due to population aging, among other factors, and the use of dental and orthopedic implants to treat bone disease has been on the rise. The history of implants can be traced ...

Oncology & Cancer

Novel testing platform designed for breast cancer cells

A Purdue University team has developed a novel testing platform to evaluate how breast cancer cells respond to the recurrent stretching that occurs in the lungs during breathing. The technology is designed to better understand ...


New 3D-printed device could help treat spinal cord injuries

Engineers and medical researchers at the University of Minnesota have teamed up to create a groundbreaking 3-D-printed device that could someday help patients with long-term spinal cord injuries regain some function.


Mending broken hearts with cardiomyocyte molds

2.5 billion. That's approximately the number of times the human heart beats in 70 years. And sometimes during the course of its unrelenting contractions and relaxations, the heart muscle can no longer bear the strain.

Biomedical technology

How supercharged silk could help heal the heart

UNSW researchers have developed a new microgel made of moth silk that is designed to assist with tissue regeneration and could help people recover from heart attacks.

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